Moving house checklist

So you’ve finally decided to move home – great! If you’re a first time mover it can be an especially stressful experience. With so many tasks to carry out and things to remember, it’s easy to feel anxious about the process. But only if you’re unprepared!

To help you stay on track and avoid last-minute chaos, we’ve put together a checklist that covers all the essential tasks you need to complete before, during, and after your move.

Do your research

On average, the moving process can take approximately 8-12 weeks to complete – providing there are no complications. But before you sell your current property and move into your new home, you need to look at things on the legal side. This includes:

  • Researching your local area – including news, facilities, schools, and services
  • If you are renting, confirm the moving date with your landlord/estate agent
  • If you’re moving out of a rented property, give proper notice to your landlord
  • If you have children, order new uniforms and ensure their school records are transferred
  • Take out contents insurance to cover any damage or loss of your personal items during transit
  • Check which council tax band your new property falls under
  • Create a to-do list to keep track of all the tasks you need to complete

Contact authorities

Before you move, it’s important to notify various authorities about your change of address. This will ensure that important documents and information continue to be sent to the correct location. This can be for things like council tax, voter registration, and healthcare. Make sure to update your address/register with the following:

Contact utility companies

Inform your current utility suppliers of your moving date and arrange for disconnection of services at your old property. At the same time, contact new utility suppliers to set up services at your new home.

This includes electricity, gas, water, internet, and any other essential services you may need.

You’ll want to give your providers as much notice as possible to ensure a smooth transition. Make sure to take final meter readings at your old property and provide them to your current suppliers.

It may take time to set up broadband at your new home, so ensure your phone has enough data to last you until it’s installed. If you’re renting, check with your landlord or property management company to see if they have any recommended providers.


One important aspect of moving house that often gets overlooked is updating your insurance policies. It’s crucial to inform your current insurance provider about your upcoming move so they can make any necessary changes to your policy.

For homeowners, you’ll need to update your home insurance policy to reflect the new property. Make sure you have coverage for the new home and that all aspects of the property are adequately insured.

Check for outstanding bills

This includes things like rent, utilities, credit cards, and any other debts you may have. Failure to settle outstanding bills can result in late fees or even legal action, so make sure to clear all your debts before you move.

Redirect your post

It’s an easy thing to forget especially if you’re moving afar. You can set up a mail redirection service with the Royal Mail to update your address.

This will ensure that you continue to receive important documents and mail without any interruptions. Update any subscriptions, memberships, or accounts with your new address so that they can update their records and send future

It’s also a good idea to inform friends and family of your new address so they know where to send any post.

Sort out your belongings

Before you start packing, it’s a good idea to sort through your belongings and decide what you want to keep, donate, or throw away. This will help to declutter your home and make the moving process easier.

Start by going through each room in your house and making three piles – keep, donate/sell, and throw away. Be ruthless in your decisions and try to only keep items that you truly need or love.

Once you’ve sorted through your belongings, start packing non-essential items that you won’t need before the move. Label boxes clearly with the room they belong in and keep an inventory of what’s inside each box.

Hire a moving company

If you’re using a removal company to help with your move, make sure to book them well in advance. Get quotes from different companies and choose one that fits your budget and requirements.

Make sure to confirm the date, time, and details of the move with the moving company. Provide them with any specific instructions or requirements you may have, such as fragile items or special handling.

Pack your belongings

Packing is one of the most time-consuming tasks when it comes to moving house. Start packing non-essential items well in advance of your move date – this will help to reduce stress and ensure that everything is packed safely and securely.

Here are some tips for packing efficiently:

  • Invest in good quality packing materials such as boxes, bubble wrap, tape, and markers
  • Label boxes clearly with the contents and the room they belong in
  • Pack items room by room to make unpacking easier
  • Pack heavier items at the bottom of boxes and lighter items on top
  • Use clothing or towels to wrap fragile items for added protection
  • Consider hiring professional movers to help with packing and transporting your belongings

The earlier you pack, the better, as it will give you more time to properly organise and pack your belongings. Leaving it till the last minute can result in a rushed and disorganised move.

See our packing tips for more detailed advice on how to pack efficiently for your move.

Considering renting a storage unit

If you have items that you don’t have space for in your new home or if there is a gap between moving out of your old property and into your new one, renting a storage unit can be a great option. This will allow you to securely store your belongings until you’re ready to move them into your new home.

Putting your belongings into storage has the added benefit of reducing clutter in your new home and giving you more space to unpack and organise your belongings.

Segment® Storage has a wide range of self storage units available in various sizes to suit your needs. You can rent a unit for as long as you need, giving you flexibility during your move.

Here are just a few reasons why you should store with us:

  • Easy storer access 8am to 8pm 7 days a week
  • Manned reception during office hours
  • No long term contracts
  • Personalised fob entry system
  • Free use of pallet trucks and trolleys
  • On site Box Shop
  • Super friendly and helpful team

You can get a quote for a storage unit online or give us a call to discuss your needs. Our friendly team is here to help make your moving process as smooth as possible.

Prepare to leave your old house

As your last 24 hours at your old address approach, take the time for a final check and walk around the property to ensure nothing is forgotten. This will give you peace of mind knowing that you have left everything in order before moving to your new home.

Check each room carefully, open cupboards and drawers, and look under furniture to make sure you haven’t left anything behind . Make sure to turn off all utilities, lock up the property securely, and leave any keys or access codes for the new occupants.

Don’t forget to pack an overnight bag for yourself and your family to help you settle into your new home and have a good night’s sleep. Make sure this bag is separate from the items going with the removal lorry so that you can easily access your essentials without having to unpack everything right away.

Lock up

Before leaving your old house, make sure to properly lock up the property. This includes checking that all windows and doors are securely closed and locked. It’s also a good idea to double-check any outbuildings or sheds on the property to make sure they are locked as well. This will help to prevent any potential break-ins or theft.

Move into your new home

Once you arrive at your new home, the first thing you should do is walk through each room to familiarise yourself with the layout. Check that all utilities are working properly and take note of any issues that may need to be addressed.

Unpack essential items first, such as bedding, toiletries, and kitchen essentials. This will help you settle in quickly and make your new space feel more like home.

Take your time unpacking and organising each room, starting with the most important items and working your way through the rest.

Be sure to check that all utilities are up and running properly. Test out lights, outlets, water faucets, and any other essential services to ensure everything is functioning as it should. Don’t forget to locate keys for every door, window, and cupboard so that you have access to all areas of your new home.

Once you have settled into your new home, it’s time to start unpacking and organising your belongings. Begin by unpacking essential items first, such as bedding, toiletries, and kitchen essentials. This will help you feel more comfortable in your new space.

Reserve your storage space today

Unsure what size of storage unit you need?
Check out our Size Guide or if you would rather speak to someone? Please give us a call or better still pop in and let us show you around.

Call us on: 01225 433000