It goes without saying that we want you to feel confident about storing your possessions with us. However unfortunately there are some scenarios that may occur which are beyond our control.
We provide Goods Protection through Hiscox Insurance that is specifically designed for self storage. It covers more perils than your standard household insurance policy and provides additional protections should something unforeseen happen. The protection is valid whilst your goods are stored within your storage unit, they are not covered whilst you are loading, unloading or in transit. As this policy is not connected to your household policy, if there is a claim, any no claims discount you have will not be affected. In addition the protection does not lapse, or need to be renewed each year, it is continual cover. There are also no admin fees for changing your home address or for increasing or decreasing the amount of Goods Protection.
The protection we provide covers a wide range of perils. We are able to protect you in respect of actual physical loss and/or damage to your goods while stored with us, arising from;
What is not covered
You can select the level of cover that you feel would cover the entire contents of your room, on a new for old basis. That is the full, total replacement value of the goods stored. If you find that the value of goods stored has increased or decreased while you store with us, you can amend the value at any time by speaking to a member of our team. There is no penalty for changing the value of Goods Protection.
A list of prohibited items are detailed below:
We do not allow the storage of motorised vehicles inside our storage units.
Who provides the cover?
The cover has been arranged through Hiscox Insurance Ltd.
The value you declare must represent the new-replacement value of all goods stored (except household linen and clothing, which should be valued on a current replacement value basis, allowing for condition and age).
Should you prefer to use an insurance policy, you can certainly do so. We do insist that the alternate policy used must specifically cover goods being placed into self storage.
To use your own insurance policy, we require proof that the goods are insured. You will be asked to provide us with a copy of the insurance policy being used, which must clearly state the value of the goods being stored, and it must be written that your goods are covered while stored at Segment® Storage, along with our full postal address. We must receive this document before your contract begins. It will be your responsibility to ensure that any cover you take out remains valid at all times.
You are more that welcome to begin with the peace of mind that our Goods Protection offers, and switch to an acceptable alternate policy at any time during your stay with us.
For more information, please speak to me a member of our team on 01225 433000.
Unsure what size of storage unit you need?
Check out our Size Guide or if you would rather speak to someone? Please give us a call or better still pop in and let us show you around.
Call us on: 01225 433000